“Teacher Talking Time VS Student Talking Time: Encouraging Speaking in EFL Classroom- A Case Study at the “Sami Frasheri” Gymnasium in Prishtina”


  • Trendeline Haliti Lagjja Kalabria,10000 Prishtine, Kosovo


Teacher Talking Time (TTT), Student Talking Time (STT, communication, learner-centered classroom, communicative approach.


The main goal of most language learners is how to achieve fluent speaking in the target language. But, at the same time it is a challenge for teachers to develop it in and to try to make communication in this target language part of everyday situations and contexts, because of the fact that English is not the native language. This challenge is enhanced even more when it comes to classes consisting of a large number of students with about 40 minutes to finish the class. Thus, this paper aims to present a research in the role of teacher talking time (TTT) and student talking time (STT) in promoting a communicational and collaborating environment for non-native speakers of English, in an English as-a-foreign language class (EFL). In my paper, I provided definitions and theories of TTT and STT. I showed the difference between these two favoring a higher amount of STT over TTT and the positive uses of it. Furthermore, I conducted a study in one of the high schools of Prishtina regarding STT and TTT. I analyzed the data collected at “Sami Frasheri” gymnasium in Prishtina, where I examined two groups of 11th graders and exposed them to the same lesson plan. In one class most of the talk was done by the teacher, a role that I took, whereas the other class was student-centered. For this research, I used exploratory research methodology. Through classroom observation, post-test, delayed test and a survey, I gathered data that clearly indicated the ways STT and TTT affect communication and collaboration in class.


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How to Cite

Haliti, T. (2019). “Teacher Talking Time VS Student Talking Time: Encouraging Speaking in EFL Classroom- A Case Study at the “Sami Frasheri” Gymnasium in Prishtina”. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 47(2), 12–21. Retrieved from https://www.gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/10064


