Knowledge Management in the light of Resource-Based View, Resource Dependence View, and Population Ecology View


  • ummara Yousaf Scholar University of Central Punjab Lahore Pakistan Lecturer GIFT University: Address, Pindi Bypass Gujranwala Pakistan, Postcode,52250 Pakistan


Knowledge Management (KM), Resource-based View (RBV), Resource Dependence View (RDT), Population Ecology of Organization (PE), Sustainability, Competition


The paper aims to study Knowledge Management (KM) in the light of three theoretical frameworks, Resource-based View (RBV), Resource Dependence view (RDT) and Population ecology of the organizations. The paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, Knowledge Management is defined and described, the knowledge management process is defined, and the Knowledge management capability of the organizations is discussed. In the second part, knowledge management is discussed from the viewpoint of the Resource-based view of the organizations, Resource-based view from its origin is discussed and then knowledge management is viewed from the RBV perspective. In the third part, the Resource dependence view (RDT) is discussed and knowledge management is viewed from the RDT perspective. In the fourth part, the Population ecology of the organizations is discussed from its origin to present, and KM is viewed from the ecological perspective. The conclusion is drawn based on these three perspectives, that how these three perspectives view Knowledge management, how they make difference in their approaches and what is the basis, these three perspectives separately provide to the knowledge management construct or the field. Knowledge management is the basic resource as required by organizations to get competitiveness as per the RBV perspective. Organizations highly depend on their experienced employees and their structures to get sustainability as per the perspective of RDT. If the organizations do not make considerable efforts for knowledge management they become a victim to Immortality as per the perspective of the Population ecology of the organizations.


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How to Cite

Yousaf, ummara. (2019). Knowledge Management in the light of Resource-Based View, Resource Dependence View, and Population Ecology View. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 48(3), 58–77. Retrieved from


