Perception, Motivation and Satisfaction of Secondary School Physics Students Based on Learning Pattern on Lesson Study in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria
Lesson Study, Learning pattern, Perception, Motivation, SatisfactionAbstract
This study investigated the perception, motivation and satisfaction of secondary school physics students based on learning pattern on Lesson Study in FCT Abuja. Descriptive survey was research design adopted. The researcher used random sampling to select three (3) area council out of six (6) area council in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. From the 1848 target population of students in science and technical colleges in FCT, the researcher used a Simple random sampling technique to sampled the total of 3I7students from the total of three (3) co-educational science and technical colleges for this study. Two different questionnaires of five- point Likert scale with the reliability coefficient of 0.98 for Determinate of students learning pattern questionnaire (DSLPQ) and 0.84 for perception, motivation and satisfaction of physics students on lesson study questionnaire (PSPSLSQ) were administered to the sampled population. And to guide the study, two research questions and two research Hypotheses were raised.
The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts for determination of students learning pattern, mean and standard deviation for research questions and ANOVA for research hypotheses. Some of the findings from the study revealed that both visual, social and logical learning pattern of Physics students have positive perception on lesson study method, there was no significant difference in the response on perception, Motivation and satisfaction level of students based on visual, social and logical learning pattern. It was recommended among others that Lesson Study should be adopted by FCT school principals and teachers to improve students learning perception, motivation and satisfaction. Both the Federal and State governments should implement lesson study in all the secondary school in Nigeria.
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