How to Conduct a Qualitative Systematic Review to Guide Evidence-Based Practice in Radiography


  • Osward Bwanga Midland Regional Hospital at Tullamore, Radiology Department, Co. Offlay, Ireland


Evidence-based Practice, Qualitative, Radiography, Systematic Review


In recent years, there has been emphasis on evidence-based practice. Traditionally, systematic reviews of quantitative evidence on randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and the effectiveness of technology in radiography provided the evidence on which to base decisions for patients and policies. However, there has been a recognition that to have in-depth understanding into human behaviour, opinions and experiences also requires evidence-based literature from systematic reviews of qualitative evidence. Unfortunately, there is limited educational literature on how to conduct systematic reviews of qualitative evidence. Therefore, this article provides this information to radiographers, radiography students and other healthcare professionals. This information is applicable in both clinical and educational settings.


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How to Cite

Bwanga, O. (2020). How to Conduct a Qualitative Systematic Review to Guide Evidence-Based Practice in Radiography. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 52(1), 205–213. Retrieved from


