Performance Modeling Bending Pavement Layer Towards Geometric Variations of the Street


  • Budi Hartono Department of Civil Engineering of Jember University, Jl. Kalimantan 37 jember 68121, Indonesia
  • krisnamurti Department of Civil Engineering of Jember University, Jl. Kalimantan 37 jember 68121, Indonesia
  • RR. Dewi Junita Koesoemawati Department of Civil Engineering of Jember University, Jl. Kalimantan 37 jember 68121, Indonesia


PCI, Road Damage, Regression


Buduan - Bondowoso link 216 is a provincial primary collector road that connects Probolinggo Regency with Bondowoso Regency which has a length of about 31 kilometers. Slope of the road that has a width of 6 to 7 meters is very varied because this road passes through the hills. This road also has many double bends which are small enough to bend the fingers because of the limited topography that is traversed. When passing a double bend in the incline or a derivative vehicle tends to reduce speed so that the impact on road pavement conditions due to the friction of the wheel with the pavement surface. On the other hand, the thickness and type of pavement are planned to be the same for each field condition so it is certain that the segment will suffer faster damage than the other segments. Researches related to road performance with various methods have been carried out including evaluation of road conditions and its handling by Hendrick S, et al (2014) and Daryoto, et al (2014). The purpose of writing this article is to look for relationships between terrain conditions and the level of road pavement damage that not many people do, assisted using the PCI method in classifying road damage and then PCI data is processed with Microsoft Excel using polynomial regression so that a graph appears to determine whether there is a relationship between terrain conditions with the degree of damage to the road pavement. From the results of the analysis obtained values ??for PCI and Slope of the length of the road obtained values? = 0.068 and Y = 1,7005x + 79.40 which shows that the PCI affects the slope of the road length is only 6.8% while 93.2% is influenced by other factors. Then for PCI and radius get the value of  = 0.0243 and Y = -0,002+0,2955x+82,271 which shows PCI affects the radius of only 2.4% while 97.6% is influenced by another factor. Then for PCI and the degree of arcing get the value = 0.0041 and Y = -0.0278x +90.718 which shows the PCI affects the degree of arcing is only 0.41% while 99.59% is influenced by other factors.


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How to Cite

Hartono, B. ., krisnamurti, & Koesoemawati , R. D. J. . (2020). Performance Modeling Bending Pavement Layer Towards Geometric Variations of the Street. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 53(1), 164–174. Retrieved from


