Anticipating the Escalation of Foreign Workers after the Enactment of the Job Creation Law: Indonesia Legal Perspective
foreign workers, Indonesia, Job Creation Act, the 1945 Constitution, foreign labor inspectorsAbstract
The phenomenon in the era of globalization has a significant impact in all countries resulting in population migration in the form of labor movement between countries and the flow of foreign labor migration. The purpose of this research is to investigate the presence of foreign workers in Indonesia, to review the legislation before and after the adoption of the Job Creation Law, and to increase the quantity and quality of the resources of foreign labor inspectors. The research method used is a qualitative approach and is descriptive analysis, doctrinal legal research with regard to the existence of foreign workers in a legal perspective through library research by emphasizing secondary data sources. The results of the study found that the presence of foreign workers is very much needed in Indonesia for the transfer of knowledge and transfer of skills, and the implication is that comprehensive legislation must be available in accordance with the constitution, the 1945 Constitution related to labor in order to protect foreign workers and workers. local work and the need for recruitment, training and development programs to increase the quantity and quality as well as the professionalism of foreign labor inspectors.
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