Analysis of Key Factors Affecting the Value of Public Companies on Sharia Financial Institution : Sharia Accounting Perspective


  • Dr.Taufan Maulamin Postgraduate Director, STIAMI Institute , Jl. Letnan Jendral Suprapto No. 504 A Jakarta Pusat 10530, Indonesia,


value of public companies, good corporate governance mechanisms, proportion of share ownership of companies, disclosure of information on corporate social responsibility, profitability of sharia business units, leverage, Islamic accounting perspective


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of board effectiveness, level of public share ownership, managerial share ownership, disclosure of social responsibility information, profitability of sharia business units; leverage on the value of public companies in the perspective of Islamic accounting. The population in this study is the banking and non-banking sectors that already have sharia business units that go public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample is determined by purposive sampling technique in order to obtain a representative sample in accordance with the specified criteria. The samples in this study were 16 banks and 2 insurance companies that have sharia business units. This test is carried out using path analysis and considering classical assumptions, namely: normality, autocorrelation, multicollinearity,and heteroscedasticity. This type of research is associative causality research, which aims to analyze the relationship between one variable and another or how a variable affects other variables with quantitative methodology and the use of multiple regression statistical models to answer two main research questions. The results of the study found that all independent variables either partially or simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on the value of public companies in the perspective of Islamic accounting.


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How to Cite

Maulamin , D. . (2021). Analysis of Key Factors Affecting the Value of Public Companies on Sharia Financial Institution : Sharia Accounting Perspective. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 55(1), 23–44. Retrieved from


