Productive Workforce: Portrait, Role and Strategy in Bogor Regency


  • Wini Widia Lestari Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Pegy Cindy Cifta Wahyu Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Mila Diawati Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Setyo Adji Prayogo Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Amalia Salsabila Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Siti Rahmah Ramdani Let-Let Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Fauzan Hikami Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Aryani Dwi Agustynawati Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Sri Wahyuni Febriyanti Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Candy Istiqomah Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Ibnu Quainy Mizanullah Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720
  • Gotfridus Goris Seran Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1, Kotak Pos 35 Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia 61720


demographic dividend, population age structure, population growth rate, productive workforce


The aim of this research is to describe the productive workforce based on its portrait, role and strategy in Bogor Regency. Based on portrait, the demographic changes are indicated by the increased productive age population and the decreased unproductive age population, then leading to the decreased dependency ratio. The sizes of productive aged population increase as consequences of the decreased fertility and mortality rates. Moreover, the sizes of productive aged population exceed the sizes of unproductive aged population. Based on role, productive working ages or productive workforce contribute its role to promote economic growth rate and GRDP per capita. The population structure changes contribute positively to promoting economic outputs, so that the dividend can be enjoyed from its demographic changes. Based on strategy, the role of productive workforce can be improved by investing labor supply, human capital, saving, and economic growth.


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How to Cite

Lestari, W. W., Wahyu, P. C. C., Diawati, M., Prayogo, S. A., Salsabila, A., Let-Let, S. R. R., Hikami, F., Agustynawati, A. D., Febriyanti, S. W., Istiqomah, C., Mizanullah, I. Q., & Seran, G. G. (2021). Productive Workforce: Portrait, Role and Strategy in Bogor Regency. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 55(1), 235–246. Retrieved from


