Consumers Increasing Confidence towards Social Commerce: The Role of Social Media Marketing, Trust and Social Media Engagement


  • Fakhr e Alam Afridi Ph.D. Scholar , Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Bushra Ayaz Ph.D. Scholar , Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Irfan Ph.D. Scholar , Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan


social commerce, social media marketing, consumer confidence, engagement


Recent research shows peoples are spending more time on digital online platforms like Facebook, and others. Of which business organization sees as an opportunity for expanding businesses. This study aims to investigate the driving factors behind the increasing confidence of social commerce consumers to social media engagement, social media marketing effectiveness, and social/self-identities, along with their increasing confidence level for social commerce. With the help of structure, online survey data were collected from 200 respondents and were analyzed using Smart PlS3 software. Results revealed that social media engagement levels significantly affect the trust level, which consequently results in increased confidence level for social commerce. Furthermore, it was also found that social media marketing activities and social presence positively affect the trust of social media community members. 


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How to Cite

Afridi, F. e A. ., Ayaz, B. ., & Irfan, M. . (2021). Consumers Increasing Confidence towards Social Commerce: The Role of Social Media Marketing, Trust and Social Media Engagement. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 56(1), 335–354. Retrieved from


