E-learning in Higher Education of Nurse and Midwife Educators in Developing Countries: The Case of Liberia


  • Mary E. Riner Indiana University School of Nursing, 600 Barnhill Drive, Indiana, 46202, USA
  • Peter S. Wainpa Phebe Para-Medical Training Program, Phebe, Suakoko,10-1046,Liberia
  • Edwin Beyan Mother Patern College of Health Sciences,Monrovia, 10-1470, Liberia
  • Audrey P. Taire Mother Patern College of Health Sciences,Monrovia, 10-1470, Liberia
  • David S. Kollie Mabel McCombs College of Health Sciences, Monrovia, Liberia
  • Peter G. Kwehmie Esther Bacon School of Nursing & Midwifery, Zorzor, 10-1046, Liberia
  • Williette S.K. Jallah United Methodist University (UMU). Monrovia, Liberia
  • Lydia Johnson Tubman University (TU), Harper, Liberia
  • Theophilus Youngqui Nimba County Community College, Sanniquellie, Liberia
  • Yei Zentoe Nimba County Community College, Sanniquellie, Liberia
  • Blossom Hodges Cuttington Junior College University, Kakata, Liberia
  • Vivian Gbanyan Esther Bacon School of Nursing & Midwifery, Zorzor, 10-1046, Liberia
  • Phyllis W. George Phebe Para-Medical Training Program, Phebe, Suakoko,10-1046,Liberia


Nurse Educator, Midwife Educator, E-Learning, Developing Country


This case study describes the use of e-learning in a new graduate program in nursing and midwifery education in Liberia, a developing country recovering from a decades long internal conflict and more recently an Ebola epidemic. The program was established to prepare the educator workforce with current educational concepts and practices as well as health information. Issues involved in making the hardware and internet access are addressed. Through the voices of eleven graduate students who were also nurse and midwife instructors in education facilities throughout the country, perceptions of using e-learning for course work as well as the experience of beginning to use technology in teaching pre-service students are identified. Sustainment and expansion of e-learning challenges are addressed. To further global health security and equity in access to education the Liberian government, administrators, educators and bi- or multi-national partnerships need to prioritize investments technology and e-learning in developing countries.


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How to Cite

E. Riner, M. ., S. Wainpa, P. ., Beyan, E. ., P. Taire, A., S. Kollie, D. ., G. Kwehmie , P. ., S.K. Jallah, W. ., Johnson, L. ., Youngqui, T. ., Zentoe, Y. ., Hodges, B. ., Gbanyan, V. ., & W. George, P. . (2021). E-learning in Higher Education of Nurse and Midwife Educators in Developing Countries: The Case of Liberia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 59(1), 237–249. Retrieved from https://www.gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/12657


