Nonprofit Organizations: Management Vulnerabilities


  • SusanaMSR Fonseca Center for Studies in Education and Innovation (CIDEI), Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal
  • Filipe Duarte Research Unit in Business Sciences (NECE) University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal


Directorate Vulnerabilities, Management, Social Organization, Strategic Management


This article seeks to investigate the vulnerability of the directors of Social Organizations (SO). Specifically, this work intends to characterize the directions of the SO, to understand how the management of these organizations is carried out and, further, to understand their view on the adoption of strategies. Additionally, the organizational culture is characterized. We opted for qualitative methods and used the methodology associated with content analysis to examine the information collected from a sample of SO directors in Vila Nova de Foz Côa, namely, the Residential Structures for the Elderly (RSE), in order to analyze the weaknesses of the directions in the management of these SOs. The results of the case study partially confirm what was predicted in the theory, that is, the SOs are currently faced with several challenges and it is essential to adopt strategies in order to overcome these same challenges. What can be seen is that, although the directors aspire to an efficient and effective service provision, there are several challenges imposed on the directors, calling for the adequacy / improvement of management in the SO. Corroborating the literature, in the study we found that the directions of the SO consider that the increase in competition, the hiring and professionalization of Human Resources (HR), sustainability, the establishment of partnerships and the diversification of funding sources are presented as their own. greatest vulnerabilities. Thus, the managements should seek solutions to face the complexity that involves the management of all organizational processes, attesting that the challenges and requirements of preparing, planning and organizing all resources are great. What has been seen is the adoption of strategic planning at different levels and levels of conducive effectiveness that seek to address the needs of organizations.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, S., & Duarte , F. . (2021). Nonprofit Organizations: Management Vulnerabilities. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 60(1), 156–171. Retrieved from


