Factors Relating to Regular Paying of Contributions to Participants of Investa Dana Dollar Independen Social Security Providering Agency (Sspa) Post-Information of Contributions Policy


  • Nirmawan Idrus Public Health Study Program, Postgraduate at Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia
  • Suhadi Public Health Study Program, Postgraduate at Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia
  • I Made Christian Binekada Public Health Study Program, Postgraduate at Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia


place of payment, perception of health services, regularity of paying dues


Independent participants or participants of informal workers have a greater potential or possibility than participants in categories other than independent participants to be irregular in paying SSPA contributions. This happens because the formal workers in making payment of SSPA contributions are managed by their place of work which is deducted directly from their wages or salaries. Meanwhile, in the informal sector, they must manage the payment of their own health insurance contributions. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with regularity in paying contributions to SSPA Independen participants after the policy of increasing contributions in Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This type of research is a survey with a cross sectional study design. The number of samples is 273 respondents. Data Collection Using Questionnaires and Observations. Data analysis using Chi Square. The results showed that there was a relationship between the place of payment with the PValue = 0.031, and the perception of health services with the Pvalue = 0.007 with the regularity of paying contributions for independent SSPA participants after the contribution increase policy. Conclusion: there is a relationship between the place of payment, and the perception of health services with the regularity of paying contributions for independent SSPA participants after the policy of increasing the contribution. Recommendation: SSPA Health provides socialization to independent SSPA participants about the SSPA health program, such as the flow of using SSPA in health care facilities, payment methods, tiered referral processes, administration prepared when going to health service facilities, information on late fees and sanctions given by SSPA if they are in arrears dues so that participants are more motivated to comply in paying and making the program a success.


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How to Cite

Idrus, N. ., Suhadi, & Binekada, I. M. C. . (2021). Factors Relating to Regular Paying of Contributions to Participants of Investa Dana Dollar Independen Social Security Providering Agency (Sspa) Post-Information of Contributions Policy. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 59(2), 104–114. Retrieved from https://www.gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/12923


