Ergonomic Evaluation of Student’s Posture during Synchronous Class


  • Gladys Jane V. Remolino Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of College of Technology and Engineering, Cebu Technological University – Argao Campus, Argao, Cebu 6021, Philippines
  • Aila Marrie Remolino Department of Industrial Engineering, Undergraduate Students, Cebu Technological University – Argao Campus, Argao, Cebu 6021, Philippines
  • Jeacel Ann R. Toreon Department of Industrial Engineering, Undergraduate Students, Cebu Technological University – Argao Campus, Argao, Cebu 6021, Philippines
  • Jane Christabele A. Jabagat Department of Industrial Engineering, Undergraduate Students, Cebu Technological University – Argao Campus, Argao, Cebu 6021, Philippines


Student's posture, Musculoskeletal disorder, postural analysis, ergonomics, synchronous class


Seated for long periods of time causes musculoskeletal discomfort due to poor ergonomics and posture. If these circumstances persist, students may develop a variety of medical problems that may impact their current and future lives. Previous research has proven that using ergonomic concepts has favorable impacts on student's health. In this study, a descriptive quantitative and testing method was used, including the profile of respondents, checklists, and the REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) for postural analysis that assessed the risk level of MSD that students might acquire. Due to the worldwide pandemic, the students were obliged to stay at home and adapt to the online class modality. The study's findings revealed that students who are directly participating in synchronous class experience mild physical discomfort and show signs of MSD risk. Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between the students' posture regarding the type of environment (P>0.05). With these, having an intervention plan, which is the ergonomic chair, will help and limit MSDs in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Gladys Jane V. Remolino, Remolino, A. M., Jeacel Ann R. Toreon, & Jane Christabele A. Jabagat. (2021). Ergonomic Evaluation of Student’s Posture during Synchronous Class. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 60(4), 276–292. Retrieved from


