The Stunting Situation Analysis in Papua Province


  • Hasmi Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia


Stunting, Situation Analysis


Background: Stunting is a national issue that affects the quality of Indonesian and Papuan human resources since it raises the risk of disease, mortality, and impediments to children's physical and mental development. Stunting reduction necessitates a thorough situational analysis, which serves as the foundation for excellent planning. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify, evaluate, and investigate existing data based on trends and patterns of the problem of high stunting prevalence, as well as to investigate policy efforts, innovations, and obstacles in responding to stunting problems in Papua Province. Methods: This study is descriptive and takes a cross-sectional method. Sample: All stunting risk data from 2018 to 2022. Document observation and source triangulation are data collecting strategies. The research take place in Papua Province from April to May 2022, using data analysis approaches including descriptive statistics of ratios, rates, and proportions, tree analysis, and priority determination using the Bryant method.  Result: The low prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among children aged 6 to 23 months (39.4 percent). Early breastfeeding start is low (42.3 percent ). The high number of children under the age of five who had ARI (33.3 percent), diarrhea (7.5 percent), and helminthiasis (7.3 percent), measles (4.7 percent). The low number of households with access to basic sanitation (57 percent), families without a fixed income (21.08 percent), Papua Province's poverty rate is 27.53 percent, and the proportion of couples of reproductive age (PUS) with four children is still too high. In Papua, 19 districts (65%) are classified as highly vulnerable. Papua has the lowest Human Development Index (60.84 points) of the 34 provinces.


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How to Cite

Hasmi. (2022). The Stunting Situation Analysis in Papua Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 63(1), 208–221. Retrieved from


