Gambier Marketing Strategy of Limapuluh Kota Regency (Case Study: Mr.Sabri's Gambier Industry in Nagari Talang Maur, Mungka District)


  • Elva Rahmi Fitri Department of Cultivitation of Plantation Crops, Faculty of Cultivitation of Plantation Crops , Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Tanjung Pati 26271, Indonesia
  • Rita Erlinda Department of Cultivitation of Plantation Crops, Faculty of Cultivitation of Plantation Crops , Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Tanjung Pati 26271, Indonesia
  • Nelson Department of Cultivitation of Plantation Crops, Faculty of Cultivitation of Plantation Crops , Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Tanjung Pati 26271, Indonesia
  • Deni Sorel Department of Cultivitation of Plantation Crops, Faculty of Cultivitation of Plantation Crops , Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Tanjung Pati 26271, Indonesia


gambier, SWOT analysis, marketing strategy


This research aims to find out the internal factors that are the strengths and weaknesses in the gambier processing business, to find out the external factors that become opportunities and threats to the gambier processing business and to find out the strategies that are implemented in gambier processing in Nagari Talang Maur, Mungka Subdistrict, Limapuluh Kota Regency in running the gambier business.  This research was carried out in June-October 2022 at the gambier processing business of Nagari Talang Maur, Mungka Subdistrict, Limapuluh Kota Regency. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative data analysis using SWOT analysis. The results of the study show that the strategy that can be applied by this gambier processing business is an aggressive strategy. Strategies that support this aggressive policy growth can be carried out with intensive strategies by implementing market penetration and market development strategies.


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How to Cite

Elva Rahmi Fitri, Rita Erlinda, Nelson, & Deni Sorel. (2023). Gambier Marketing Strategy of Limapuluh Kota Regency (Case Study: Mr.Sabri’s Gambier Industry in Nagari Talang Maur, Mungka District). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 68(1), 107–112. Retrieved from


