Challenges in Pediatric Urinary Tract Infection


  • Najwa Jawhar
  • Imad Chami


UTI, urinary tract infection, U/S, sonography/ULTRASOUND, VCUG, voiding cystouerthrography, VUR, vesicoureteral reflux, Pyuria, WBC in urine, Bacteruria, bacteria in urine


One of our aims is to assess the frequency of febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) in children aged one month to 12 years in a Lebanese sub urban region and to study its distribution in relation to gender and to the type of the episode whether it is an initial or recurrent attack. Another important aim is to study the association of UTI, in its initial or recurrent type with congenital renal anomalies detected by Investigation of upper and lower renal systems. Investigation is done by performing U/S of kidneys and bladder few days after diagnosis to visualize upper renal system then to perform VCUG after the end of treatment aiming to visualize the lower renal system. A third aim is to evaluate the yield of U/S and VCUG as investigating tools in the detection of renal anomalies associated with UTI. The results shows that 153 patients proved to have febrile UTI. The prevalence rate is 5.09%. Females constitute 112/153 (73%), while


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How to Cite

Jawhar, N., & Chami, I. (2014). Challenges in Pediatric Urinary Tract Infection. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 15(2), 22–32. Retrieved from


