Role of Ontology with Multi-Agent System in Cloud Computing


  • Vishal Jain
  • S. V. A. V. Prasad


Semantic Web, Ontology, Multi-Agent System, Cloud Computing.


Information technology is playing a major role in revolutionizing how organizations operate, manage, as well as automate their processes. However, most of the systems today are not reusable because there is mixing the knowledge of the society and that of the processes. This is because the knowledge of societies is different from each other applications; hence, it is not reusable. This paper will address how dependent the applications are on societies, and it will separately define the processes of ontology, the knowledge of the agent, ontology of society, and the knowledge of the society [1]. This will be an introduction of ontology-based, process oriented, and an agent system that is independent of society that allows most if not all organizations to make use of it. This is by defining, as well as importing the ontology of the society and some process patterns, which may be instantiated from the ontology of the process into the system. This proposed system can be used on the platform of cloud computing. The evaluation is from two different perspectives: the quality of making use of the cohesion and the coupling measures. Coupling measures entails measuring the degree to which the system will focus on solving a problem in particular. Secondly, it focuses on the applicability, which is determined by evaluating how manageable and automobile the seven processes from three different societies are [2].


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How to Cite

Jain, V., & Prasad, S. V. A. V. (2014). Role of Ontology with Multi-Agent System in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 15(2), 41–46. Retrieved from


