Constraints of Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Livelihood Diversification in Eastern Ethiopia: The Case of Mieso District, Oromia Regional State


  • Zigale Tamir Tenaw Lecturer, Department of Gender and Development Studies, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Haramaya University, MA in Development Studies, P.O. Box: 251198, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia


Constraints, Livelihood diversification, pastoral and agro-pastoral, pushing factor and pulling factor.


The study was conducted in Western Hararghe of Eastern Ethiopia. It was mainly to examine the major constraints of pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihood diversification in the study area.


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How to Cite

Tenaw, Z. T. (2016). Constraints of Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Livelihood Diversification in Eastern Ethiopia: The Case of Mieso District, Oromia Regional State. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(3), 267–274. Retrieved from


