Preliminary Proximate Analysis, Chemical Composition and Phytoconstituents of Eulophia gracilis Orchid


  • Olaniyi Solomon Ola Biochemistry Unit, Department of Chemical Sciences, Ajayi Crowther University, PMB 1066, Oyo, Oyo State 211213, Nigeria


Eulophia gracilis, proximate analysis, elemental composition, phytoconstituents.


Eulophia gracilis is a rare important medicinal terrestrial orchid with underground tubers found in the rocky area of Oyo state in Nigeria. Proximate analysis, mineral composition and the qualitative phytochemical analysis of Eulophia gracilis were investigated. Eulophia gracilis was found to contain 11.88% moisture, 16.93% protein, 3.96% fat, 1.98% ash, 4.95% crude fiber and 72.18% carbohydrates. The result indicate that the tuber of this plant contains high protein. The mineral analysis indicated that the dried tuber contained sodium (0.05%), potassium (0.45%), calcium (0.2%), magnesium (0.24%), zinc (17.5mg/kg) iron (110.5mg/kg), manganese (15mg/kg) and copper (4mg/kg). Phytochemicals detected in aqueous methanol of tubers of Eulophia gracilis are Glycoside, alkaloid, tannins, phlobatanins and flavonoid. This reveals that Eulophia gracilis can be an important food source and the presence of some phytochemicals like flavonoids, alkaloids and phlobatannin suggested its medicinal action in traditional medicine. Therefore the plant may be a chosen nutraceutical.


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How to Cite

Ola, O. S. (2017). Preliminary Proximate Analysis, Chemical Composition and Phytoconstituents of Eulophia gracilis Orchid. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(8), 215–222. Retrieved from


