The Influence of Decision Making of Innovation Technology and Fermentation Cocoa Beans on Farmers Empowerment in West Sumatra, Indonesia


  • Zulvera Zulvera Department of Extension of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University, Padang, 25163, Indonesia
  • Zulrasdi Zulrasdi Graduate School of Extension and Communication Development, Andalas University, Padang, 25163, Indonesia


Change adoption, farmer empowerment, agricultural training, change resistance.


This study analyses the factors that influence the decision to adopt innovative technology and ferment cocoa beans, as well as the influence taking that decision, has on the empowerment of cocoa farmers in West Sumatra. 200 people from the Limapuluh Kota and Padang districts were surveyed. Quantitative descriptive methods were used to analyze the data. The factors shown to influence farmers' choice were the intensity of the learning process and the sources of information used by the farmer to learn about cocoa cultivation. The types of decisions made by the farmers were a partial adoption of introduced cultivation and processing technologies and fermentation technology was rarely adopted. Factor analysis shows adopting new cocoa cultivation and fermentation technology has a significant influence on farmer empowerment. Efforts to encourage uptake of this new technology included (1) facilitating farmer education by conducting an ongoing agricultural advisory program, (2) facilitating the formation of farmer cooperatives to market the fermented cocoa beans.


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How to Cite

Zulvera, Z., & Zulrasdi, Z. (2017). The Influence of Decision Making of Innovation Technology and Fermentation Cocoa Beans on Farmers Empowerment in West Sumatra, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(8), 295–302. Retrieved from


