Progress in Arabica Coffee Breeding in Ethiopia: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects


  • Tadesse Benti Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Jima Agricultural Research Center (JARC), Jima, Ethiopia


coffee, Germplasm, collection, selection, hybridization, pure-line, hybrid, variety.


Coffee belongs to the family Rubiaceaeand the genus Coffea. Only two species, Coffea arabicaL. and Coffea canephoraPierre, are economically important and widely cultivated in the world. Coffea arabicaL. is believed to have originated in the highlands of south western Ethiopia where it has its center of genetic diversity. The availability of wider genetic variation among endogenous coffee types provide immense possibilities to improvement the crop for any desirable traits of breeding interest. In cognizant to this, coffee breeding program was initiated in1970


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How to Cite

Benti, T. (2017). Progress in Arabica Coffee Breeding in Ethiopia: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 33(2), 15–25. Retrieved from


