Improving the Learning Outcomes of Students using Numbered Heads Together Model in the Subjects of Mathematics


  • Malda Sari Graduate Student of the State University of Medan
  • Edy Surya Lecturer for Graduate Student of the State University of Medan


Learning Outcomes, Mathematics, Numbered Heads Together Model.


This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of students on subjects of mathematics in the subject matter of planar structures by using the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) model in class V of Public Primary School 026609 of South Binjai. The present study is a classroom action research (CAR). Subjects in this study were students in class V of Public Primary School 026609 of Binjai Selatan, as many as 1 class consisting of 35 students. Implementation of the action is done in 2 cycles where in each cycle there are two sessions, so as a whole 4 times session is held. Each cycle consists of 4 stages, namely Planning, Implementation, Observation and Reflection. In cycle I there are 20 students who have completed with the percentage of 57.14%, and 15 students who have not completed with the percentage of 42.86%, where the average of the class is 65.43. Based on the success rate of classically the learning and teaching process is still classified as unsuccessful. Therefore, the study is continued to post-test in cycle II. In cycle II there are 32 students who have completed in learning with percentage of 91.43% and there are 3 students who have not completed in learning with percentage of 8.57%.


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How to Cite

Sari, M., & Surya, E. (2017). Improving the Learning Outcomes of Students using Numbered Heads Together Model in the Subjects of Mathematics. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 33(3), 311–319. Retrieved from


