Mutual Fund: Investors Perceptions on Investment


  • Dr. Joji Abey Assistant Professor, Kingdom University, Riffa, Postal code 40434, Kingdom of Bahrain


Financial Decision, Investment, Mutual Fund.


Investment plays an important role in personal financial life. The role of investment is to put forth our money to make an income for both present and future. The investment decision taken at the right time turns the life of the investor. Mutual fund is the most suitable investment as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively lower cost. Economic liberalization has made a sea change in the development of the economy in the past few years in the kingdom of Bahrain. Mutual Fund is popular as the investment of the Era. Knowledge about investment in financial assets was limited in the past decades and financial decisions were crucial for investors who expect maximum return of their investments. Recent trend shows not only wide investment opportunities to investors but also there is increase in the number of investors as well. Construction industry is the one which encompasses with varied levels of professionals, skilled and semi-skilled employees. This study aims at finding out the perceptions of investing in mutual fund. For that Survey method is used to collect quantitative information


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How to Cite

Abey, D. J. (2017). Mutual Fund: Investors Perceptions on Investment. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 34(3), 55–67. Retrieved from


