Sustainability Index and Status of Private Forest Management: A Study of Ecology, Economics and Technical Aspects of Forestry, in Toraja Regencies, Indonesia


  • Yusuf Liling Education and Training Center Board of Enviroment and Forestry, Makassar 90243, Indonesia
  • Daud Malamassam Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, Indonesia


sustainability index and status, private forest management, multidimensional scaling.


Private forest in Toraja can not be separated from tradition and local culture. Products from private forest are used for traditional ceremonies, raw materials of traditional house


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How to Cite

Liling, Y., & Malamassam, D. (2017). Sustainability Index and Status of Private Forest Management: A Study of Ecology, Economics and Technical Aspects of Forestry, in Toraja Regencies, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 34(3), 76–87. Retrieved from


