The Development of Special Economic Region of Food Agriculture Industrial Zone in the District of Merauke Papua-Indonesia


  • Abubakar Iskandar State Administration Study Program, Djuanda University, Bogor Indonesia State Administration Major, Djuanda University, Bogor, Indonesia


Food crops, Horticulture, Deployed Land, Irrigation, Development Zone.


The development of special economic region has the strategic value as the promoter of the development of the agriculture processing industry, especially rice, and other food material. In addition the rice that is produced can be exported to the neighboring countries. The purpose of this research is to describe the special economic region of the Development Zone; to describe the land varsity, the water zone, the agriculture food crop, horticulture, the fishery and the Livestock; To define the crop index model design, horticulture , Livestock and fishery to determine the superiorty rank; to analyze implementation stadium strategy by conducting a study to the interaction between the availability of resources with the development strategy that has been stipulated. This research design is cross sectional. This research was conducted in the Merauke District on Desember 2016. The data required are primary and secondary data. The means of collecting data are : pollings, interviews, observations, FGD, and documentation


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How to Cite

Iskandar, A. (2017). The Development of Special Economic Region of Food Agriculture Industrial Zone in the District of Merauke Papua-Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 35(3), 354–379. Retrieved from


