Analysis of Marine Ecotourism Suitability for Diving and Snorkeling Activities in Enggano Island


  • Yar Johan Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Study Program of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Bengkulu University, Indonesia
  • Fredinan Yulianda Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Rahmat Kurnia Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Ismudi Muchsin Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia


coral reef, marine ecotourism, regional suitability, Enggano Island.


Enggano Island has the potential to be developed into an ecotourism destination area, especially marine ecotourism. The ecosystems found in Enggano Island are coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds. This study aimed to analyze the suitability of marine ecotourism of Enggano Island for marine ecotourism activities, namely diving and snorkeling. The primary data collection was done by sampling, direct observations in the field. The secondary data were collected by exploring various references and relevant institutions. The research results showed that Enggano Island had three categories for marine ecotourism suitability of diving categories, namely suitable (S1), quite suitable (S2) and not suitable (N), while the marine ecotourism of snorkeling  categories had only two categories: suitable (S1) and quite suitable (S2).


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How to Cite

Johan, Y., Yulianda, F., Kurnia, R., & Muchsin, I. (2017). Analysis of Marine Ecotourism Suitability for Diving and Snorkeling Activities in Enggano Island. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(6), 202–212. Retrieved from


