Designing Model of Concurrent Local Executive Election: The Case of Indonesia


  • Gotfridus Goris Seran Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Djuanda University, Bogor, Indonesia


Governance, Local Election, Local Government, Nationally Concurrent, National Election.


The research focuses on designing model of concurrent local executive election suitable for Indonesia. Concurrent local executive election, as a part of concurrent local elections, is held to simultaneously elect the heads of local governments, namely governors, mayors and regents. The local governments consist of 542 localities, namely 34 provinces, 93 municipalities and 415 regencies. As a matter of fact, the elections for the heads of local governments have been held at separated times. Law No. 8/2015 and Law No. 10/2016 have regulated the transition of implementing the concurrent local executive election before nationally held in November 2024 as stated in Law No. 10/2016, article 201 (8). Model of concurrent election of the local heads suitable for Indonesia is nationally concurrent local executive election. In the model, concurrent local executive election is held to simultaneously and nationally elect the local heads of 542 localities (34 provinces, 93 municipalities and 415 regencies) at one time, on a single day and at the same time in all regions of Indonesia. The research recommends to arrange, synchronize and codify election laws in order to be supportive of effectively implementing the nationally concurrent local executive election. There are some points of election laws to synchronize the electoral governance, namely the exact definition, the basis and the variant/type of implementation, the regular schedule of implementation, the voting time, the inauguration time, and the formula of determining the elected local executives.


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How to Cite

Seran, G. G. (2017). Designing Model of Concurrent Local Executive Election: The Case of Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(2), 93–109. Retrieved from


