Image Building of the Municipal Police Officials of Surabaya City (Human Resource Competency Enhancement Study in Positive Image Building among Surabaya City Community)


  • Deny Christupel Tupamahu Graduated from Doctoral Program of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate of Airlangga University, Penjaringansari Blok II F no. 2 Perum YKP Rungkut, Surabaya (60295), East Java, Indonesia
  • Musta’in Musta’in Doctoral Program of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate of Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Jusuf Irianto Doctoral Program of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate of Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia


institutional image, human resource image, quality and competence of human resources.


The image of The Municipal Police (Satpol PP) of Surabaya city in society is considered to be under expectation due to the impression that in carrying out the enforcement of local regulations, The Municipal Police use arbitrary and rude way. This notion is not apart from the quality of human resources of the officials is still low. In the framework of efforts to build a positive image for the officials of The Municipal Police, it is necessary to improve the quality of human resources. Based on the suggestion above, the researcher will conduct a study on image formation and quality improvement of human resources of The Municipal Police in Surabaya city.This study used a qualitative approach and was implemented in the working area of The Municipal Police officials of Surabaya. This research data was obtained through in-depth interview. In this study there were 50 informants consisting of 24 informants from the community (group A), 10 informants from the commander of the officials of The Municipal Police (group B), and 16 informants from The Municipal Police (group C).

Some conclusions are obtained based on the research results, among others: 1) The image of The Municipal Police of Surabaya city according to the public assessment is still unfit because of the attitude of the arrogant and arbitrary officials; 2) Some elements of HR competence officials The Municipal Police still get a less than optimal assessment, this is what resulted in image The Municipal Police officials Surabaya city has not been qualified enough; and 3). Efforts to build a positive image of The Municipal Police officials of Surabaya city can be done through human resources development strategy, among others: training, education, guidance, recruitment, system changes and improvement of facilities and infrastructure in the work.


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How to Cite

Tupamahu, D. C., Musta’in, M., & Irianto, J. (2017). Image Building of the Municipal Police Officials of Surabaya City (Human Resource Competency Enhancement Study in Positive Image Building among Surabaya City Community). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(4), 94–104. Retrieved from


