Analysis of Cocoa Industry Development Factor with System Approach in West Sumatera, Indonesia


  • Yuni Ernita Study Program of Agricultural Industry Technology (Science of agricultural)Postgraduate Program of University Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
  • Rika Ampuh Hadi Guna Study Program of Agricultural Industry Technology (Science of agricultural)Postgraduate Program of University Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
  • Santosa Santosa Study Program of Agricultural Industry Technology (Science of agricultural)Postgraduate Program of University Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
  • Nofialdi Nofialdi Study Program of Agricultural Industry Technology (Science of agricultural)Postgraduate Program of University Andalas, Padang, Indonesia


cocoa industry, development factor, system approach.


The opportunity to develop cocoa industry in West Sumatera is higher with the increase of cocoa production. In the development of the cocoa industry needs to consider various factors, while also needs to study the relationship between the government, farmers and cocoa industry that contained in one system. The purpose of this research is to analyze the cocoa industry development factor with the system approach and to determine the right location for the development of cocoa industry in West Sumatera. The collected data is primary and secondary data. Scoring is done using paired comparison techniques that are aggregated from expert opinion. Determination of cocoa industry development location is held by analitical hierarchy process (AHP) technique. The result of analysis shows that the cocoa processing industry development processors consist of 5 groups, there are (1) mean industry (cocoa industry), (2) buyer, (3) supplier farmers, (4) supporting industries, and (5) supporting institutions. The most important factors in the development of the cocoa industry are fixed investment costs (0.153), marketing of processed cocoa (0.147), availability of facilities and infrastructure (0.139), availability and continuity of raw materials (0.108), and government support (0.097). The most potential areas for the development of the cocoa industry are 50 Kota District (0.183), Padang Pariaman District (0.166), and Tanah Datar District (0.163).


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How to Cite

Ernita, Y., Guna, R. A. H., Santosa, S., & Nofialdi, N. (2017). Analysis of Cocoa Industry Development Factor with System Approach in West Sumatera, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(3), 122–133. Retrieved from


