Formulation of Agroforestry Type for Decent Income for the Farmers in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed of West Java Province


  • Rini Fitri Department Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Almuslim University, Indonesia Post Graduated School on Bogor Agricultural University, Academic Ring Road, Campus IPB Dramaga Bogor, Indonesia 16680
  • Suria Darma Tarigan Department Soil Science and Land Resources, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Santun R.P. Sitorus
  • Latief M Rachman


agroforestry, income, sustainable, watershed, West Java.


The problems faced by agroforestry farmers in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed (DAS) of West Java Province include fluctuating commodity prices, limited maintenance capital, and low selling value at the farmer level so that the income of agroforestry farmers has not been sustainable. The objectives of this study are to determine the formulation of agroforestry type and income feasibility of the agroforesty farmers in Ciliwung Hulu basin of West Java Province. This research used the survey method and direct interviews with the respondents. Data analysis was conducted to identify the characteristics of agroforestry farmer respondents and analysis on their income. The results showed that the actual farmer income of the agroforestry farmers in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed in West Java Province is generally still low and has not fulfilled the needs of decent living. The actual type of agroforestry applied by the farmers has produced the lowest income of Rp 8,287,750/ha/year in the Cibalok sub-watershed whereas the highest income is Rp 103,333,500/ha/year in Cisukabirus sub-watershed. Formulation of farmer income of the agroforestry type in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed of West Java Province after improvements with the addition of goats has been able to provide income that can support decent living. The income of agroforestry farmers in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed of West Java Province has fulfilled the needs for decent living because the net income that the farmers receive is over Rp. 36,000,000/household/year so that the life of agroforestry farmers and their families has been sustainable. This research is expected to be useful not only for farmers, but also for agricultural extension workers, policy makers at the district and provincial levels.

Author Biography

Rini Fitri, Department Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Almuslim University, Indonesia Post Graduated School on Bogor Agricultural University, Academic Ring Road, Campus IPB Dramaga Bogor, Indonesia 16680




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How to Cite

Fitri, R., Tarigan, S. D., R.P. Sitorus, S., & M Rachman, L. (2017). Formulation of Agroforestry Type for Decent Income for the Farmers in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed of West Java Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(4), 264–274. Retrieved from


