Mode of Dispossession of Small Island’s Agrarian Resource


  • Yoppie Christian Graduate School of Rural Sociology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Study, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Arif Satria Department of Science for Communication and Community Development, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, Jalan Kamper Kampus IPB Dramaga,Bogor, 16680, Indonesia
  • Satyawan Sunito Department of Science for Communication and Community Development, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, Jalan Kamper Kampus IPB Dramaga,Bogor, 16680, Indonesia


agrarian conflict, dispossession, privatization, small island.


Since 1992 to 2017 land dispute occurs Pari Island without a solution for community’s tenurial security. This protracted dispute has a strong nuance of power contestation which involving state, corporation, and community to hold the control over lands of Pari Island. The state’s backed corporation claim on land ownership is based on a legal and formal document while community indicates their long effective control over land and never transfer any land to the corporation. The dispossession practice over agrarian resources in this small island projected as a tool to build better tourism destination and management of resource to add the revenue of the region. This case study is an exploratory research to identify any factors and conditions that make the capitalism able to penetrate the insular and remote small island and create new space for capitalist production. The result of this study indicates that corrupt practices by local government and corporation make the capitalistic space reproduction is possible although also creating the long conflict with the local community who has their livelihood and independent management over their agrarian resources. The past practices of land administration put the small island's communal agrarian resources under serious threat due to privatization, on the other side the existing regulations seems only give little contributions to solve the problem.


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How to Cite

Christian, Y., Satria, A., & Sunito, S. (2017). Mode of Dispossession of Small Island’s Agrarian Resource. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(5), 283–297. Retrieved from


