The Correlation between Regular Sports and Diet with Blood Glucose Values of Diabetes Mellitus in Puskesmas Mangasa Area, Makassar


  • Harliani Harliani Nursing Department of Health Polytechnic Makassar
  • Alfisyahar Y Nursing Department of Health Polytechnic Makassar
  • Baharuddin K Nursing Department of Health Polytechnic Makassar


blood glucose, regular sport, diabetes mellitus.


Diabetes Mellitus is abnormality of glucose metabolism that occurred when the body gets resistance with relative insulin deficiency, so that it was occurred increasing blood glucose above normality. The management was used to reduce blood glucose are four ways. They are diet, sports, medicines, and education. Sports (physical exercises) is a management of diabetes mellitus that was less attention for the patients. Both diet and sports got response in insulin work, but it was different work.  Diet aimed at balancing input of glucose with availability insulin. and sports aimed at increasing stimulate of insulin work, during the activities of muscle, however, it was not revealed that the affectivities between sports and diet to reduce blood glucose for the diabetes mellitus patients. This study aimed at finding out to reveal the affectivities of regular sports and reduction of blood   glucose and the affectivities of regular diet and reduction of blood glucose. This study used observational method, with cross-sectional design. Total respondents are 20 persons, consisted of 2 groups, they were 10 persons were regular sports and 10 persons were not regular sports. The criteria of the patients of the two groups had the same characters. The result of this study indicated that the patients of Diabetic Mellitus (DM) who are regular sports can reduce blood glucose 100% respondents with the average reduction 29.70mg/dl, whereas the patients of diabetes mellitus who are not regular sports can reduce only 20% respondents with the average increase 10.5mg/dl. Therefore, there is a significant correlation between regular sports and reduction of blood glucose of diabetes mellitus. Chi-square test of the regular sports and not regular sports with p value is 0.007 (a:0.05).

The regular diet but they are not regular sports was not effective to reduce blood glucose, if they are not regular diet but they are regular sports, it is effective to reduce blood glucose. There is not a significant correlation between regular diet and reduction of blood glucose for patients of diabetes mellitus. Chi-square test was: p.065 (a:0.05). The patients of regular sports and diet are effective to reduce blood glucose, with average of reduction 30mg/dl. The conclusions of this study are: regular sports were effective to reduce blood glucose, and regular diet was not effective to reduce blood glucose. If regular sports and diet are conducted together, they are very effective to reduce blood glucose for the patients of diabetes mellitus.


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How to Cite

Harliani, H., Y, A., & K, B. (2017). The Correlation between Regular Sports and Diet with Blood Glucose Values of Diabetes Mellitus in Puskesmas Mangasa Area, Makassar. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(6), 235–242. Retrieved from


