Collaborative Forest Management in Indonesia: A Review


  • Desmiwati Desmiwati Forest Tree Seed Technology Research and Development Center, Jl. Pakuan Ciheuleut PO.BOX 105 Bogor 16001, Tel. (0251) 8327768


collaborative management, forestry, institutional development, policy.


The recurrence of forestry-related conflict in Indonesia urgently needs a breakthrough for solution after the failure of the regional autonomy in protecting the forest. The failure rooted on the unequal power relations and the discourse applied in governing the forest area, thus what it called "collaboration" only exist on the surface instead of more substantive as should be. The ongoing narration shows that the management of forest resources became the arena of contestation, not for collaboration. This conclusion appears on the review on ten implementations on ten national parks in Indonesia where respective narration from bureaucracy, corporation and community is diametrically negating and compete to dominate each other, resulting the practice of "legal not legitimate" and "illegal but authentic" on the other side. Starting with that issue, the concept and scheme of Collaborative Management's effectiveness should be levelled up through devolution based on local-user in the policentric system. These three steps of the policy development are: 1) the formulation of collective narration based on local knowledge and multi stakeholders discourse; 2) the creation of local actors web as authentic resource users, and 3) institutionalization of forest resources management and the local resource mobilization.


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How to Cite

Desmiwati, D. (2017). Collaborative Forest Management in Indonesia: A Review. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(8), 166–177. Retrieved from


