Marine Control Model in Economic Management of Small Pelagic Capture Fishery in WPPNRI-711


  • Djamarel Hermanto Doctoral Program of Ocean Tropical Economic, Bogor Agricultural University, Jl. Kamper, Wing 10 Level 4, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
  • Tri Kusumastanto Postgraduate Program, Program of the Ocean Tropical Economic, Bogor Agriculture University, Jl. Kamper, Wing 10 Level 4, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
  • Luky Adrianto Postgraduate Program, Program of Coastal and Marine Resources Management, Jl. Agatis, Wing 7 Level 3 Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
  • Supartono Supartono Indonesian Defense University, Indonesia Peace and Security Center (IPSC) Complex, Sentul Bogor 16810, Indonesia


marine control model, economic management, small pelagic, WPPNRI-711.


The Fisheries Management Area of Indonesia-711 (WPPNRI-711) is the fishing ground of small pelagic which is vulnerable to illegal fishing activities. The research aimed (1) to estimate the economic values of small pelagic catch fishery and the economic loss caused by illegal fishing, (2) to formulate the model of marine control in order to improve fishermen welfare and GDP. The primary data were collected by interviewing the fishermen, the ocean guard inspector and the expert using questionnaire from July to November 2016. The secondary data were obtained from the Catch Fisheries of Indonesian Statistics Data. The illegal fishing ship data were obtained from the marine resources and fisheries station, Indonesian Navy, and the Marine Security Guard (Bakamla). The data series of 2005 to 2016 were then analyzed using Bio-economic analysis model (Gordon Schaefer) and Surplus Production Model (Fox) to analyze the economic benefits.

The optimum economic exploitation of small pelagic is 5,040 fishing ships efforts, 13,560.30 tons per year productions, and Rp 225,501.54 million economic rent per year. Meanwhile, the value of fishing 3,284.76 tons and Rp 53,798.26 million due to illegal fishing per year. The exploitation rate carried out in small pelagic catch fishery still must be improved to the optimum rate. The result of Importance and Productivity Analysis (IPA) and SWOT Analysis describes that the marine control model which is effective, efficient and sustainable is indispensable, to combat illegal fishing in WPPNRI-711.


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How to Cite

Hermanto, D., Kusumastanto, T., Adrianto, L., & Supartono, S. (2018). Marine Control Model in Economic Management of Small Pelagic Capture Fishery in WPPNRI-711. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 37(1), 122–132. Retrieved from


