Human Resources (SDM) Exellent Through National Education


  • Jumaria Sirait Faculty of Teacher’s Training and Education of Sisingamangaraja XII University of Tapanuli


Human Resources, Education.


The effort to prepare superior human resources and competition in global era with high performance in all sectors is the hard work of educators. Achievement is certainly accompanied by the preparation and formation of educators in order to have adequate competencies and skills. In other hand, educators are prepared with pedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence and professional competence gained through professional education. The educational process can be known not only on the transfer of knowledges, but furthermore from that understanding it mainly changes or shapes the character of a person to be better, more polite in ethical, aesthetic or behavioral terms in everyday life. Cultural character education programs can be done directly (through education and training) or indirectly that is integrated in all activities and management of the campus as a whole.


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How to Cite

Sirait, J. (2018). Human Resources (SDM) Exellent Through National Education. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 37(3), 52–57. Retrieved from


