Assessment Instrument of Scientific Literacy Skills on Motion and Simple Machines Learning Based on Nature of Science


  • Shita Dhiyanti Vitasari Graduate Program of Natural Science Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Supahar Supahar Faculty of Mathematics and Science. Physics Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


scientific literacy skills, assessment instrument, nature of science, motion and simple machines course.


Natural science learning train students various skills in the face of 4.0 industry revolution challenge. One of the skills that needs to be developed is scientific literacy skills. The scientific literacy skills level can be known or measured using appropriate assessment instruments. This study aimed produce assessment instruments can measure the scientific literacy skills and know scientific literacy skills level of 8th grade students in Junior High School 2 Pare. The research method was descriptive quantitative with instrument development model of Mardapi (2012). The theoretical and empirical experiments of  scientific literacy skills instruments get eligible criteria for use based on Aiken's validity and Rasch model analysis. Scientific literacy skills level of 8th grade students Junior High School 2 Pare’s students is 20% students have high level, 72,5% average level, and 7.5% low level.


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How to Cite

Vitasari, S. D., & Supahar, S. (2018). Assessment Instrument of Scientific Literacy Skills on Motion and Simple Machines Learning Based on Nature of Science. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 40(1), 108–119. Retrieved from


