The Effect of Donor Blood Storage Time to the Counts of Erythrocyte and Thrombocyte


  • Nurlia Naim Department of Health Analyst, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health Makassar
  • Muhammad Nasir


Transfusion, Storage, Erythrocytes, Thrombocyte.


Blood transfusion is a process of transferring blood from donator to recipient that serves to improve the condition of anemia by using good quality blood and the amount needed. It is done by giving erythrocytes or blood component as needed. Until now, the effect of storage time on erythrocyte and thrombocyte stability is not known clearly. This research aims to determine the effect of storage time on blood and how large the effect of donor blood storage time to erythrocytes and thrombocyte counts. The research is quasy experiment with time series design modification or Time Series Design and Non Randomized Pretest-Postest Control Group. The sample of this research is blood donor (whole blood) blood group A, B, and O. Data analysis was used One Way Anova test (? = 0,05). In the amount of erythrocytes obtained F. Count (0.14) <F. table (5.14), which means there is no effect of donor blood storage time on the amount of erythrocytes. For platelets in the F. Count (426,2)> F. table (5.14), which means there is an influence between the number of platelets in the blood before being stored with the number of platelets stored for 1 week and 2 weeks. Advice for Indonesian Red Cross institutions to provide a tool for hematological examination as one of the preliminary tests of donor blood before donating to recipients.


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How to Cite

Naim, N., & Nasir, M. (2018). The Effect of Donor Blood Storage Time to the Counts of Erythrocyte and Thrombocyte. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 40(1), 120–127. Retrieved from


