Analysis of the Citizen’s Political Opinion and Behavior to Determine the Candidate of the Mosque Leader Indicator in the City of Kupang NTT Province


  • Nandang Saefudin Zenju State Administration Study Program, Djuanda University, Bogor Indonesia
  • Abubakar Iskandar State Administration Study Program, Djuanda University, Bogor Indonesia


opinion, behavior and indicator.


The fact shows that there are still mosque leaders that use black magic to maintain their position. and that  there are still mosque leaders that use their authority as the chairman of the Foundation that supervise the mosque that use the people’s fund or the fund from the government without making a clear accountability account to the people. Therefore it is urgent to hold a mosque leader election that is free, closed and confidential. The purpose of this research is to analyze the structural determinism variable to determine the indicator of the mosque leader election, to analyze the behaviorism variable to determine the indicator of the mosque leader election, to analyze the psychology variable to determine the indicator of the mosque leader election,  to explain the process of the mosque leader election, and to explain the chronology of the people’s protest to the former mosque leader Method that is used is survey, while data analysis technique is content analysis. The result of the research shows. The majority of the respondence (71,0 percent) said that they are not bound and determined by the Fondation and Mosque structurals in choosing their mosque leader, and a majority of respondence (73,0 percent) said that they are not influenced by anybody, without inducement or coercion from anybody, and the majority of respondence (75,0 percent) said that when the election of the candidate of the mosque leader is held their choice is based on their interpretation or on their comprehension to the political situation of the mosque.

While a majority of respondence (80,0 persen) said that they immediately conduct a mosque leader election because the current mosque leader is not trusted anymore by the people. Meanwhile, a majority of respondence (70,0 percent) protest the stakeholders of the mosque to immediately change the mosque leader, because the behavior of the former mosque leader is no longer based on the Islamic principle .


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How to Cite

Zenju, N. S., & Iskandar, A. (2018). Analysis of the Citizen’s Political Opinion and Behavior to Determine the Candidate of the Mosque Leader Indicator in the City of Kupang NTT Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 41(1), 76–91. Retrieved from


