Dominant Physical Factors for Breaststroke Swimming Speed


  • Saharuddin Ita Senior Lecturer of Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Sport Science, Cenderawasih University, Papua, Indonesia


Height, Leg Length, Leg Muscle Stength, Arm Muscle Stength, Trunk Flexibility, Breaststroke Swimming Speed.


Breaststroke swimming speed is influenced by certain physical exercises and focused on dominant physical factors, including having an ideal height, leg length, leg muscle strength, trunk flexibility, and good arm muscle strength in swimming breaststroke, speed will be obtained. In this study the researchers assumed that the determination of breaststroke swimming speed could be determined if a person had a standard height, ideal leg length and leg muscle strength, flexibility of the took, and good arm muscle strength. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis method. The processed statistics result that the Standardized Coefficient Beta variable leg length is 0.992, the highest among other variables, followed by arm muscle strength (0.224), trunk flexibility (-0.143), leg muscle strength (-0,526) and height (-1,034). It signifies that the dominant physical factor determining the speed in a breaststroke is the length of the leg. With these findings, the combination of leg muscle strength and leg length in breaststroke swimmers is one of the concerns in fostering and training and teaching breaststroke swimming. In swimming breaststroke learning the problem of the legs both leg muscle strength and leg length are priorities that need attention.


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How to Cite

Ita, S. (2018). Dominant Physical Factors for Breaststroke Swimming Speed. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 42(2), 165–175. Retrieved from


