Indexing and Abstracting
Call for Papers – 2025 
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IJSBAR has been regularly published since 2009; IJSBAR has a well reputed international standing and invites contributions from researchers, and scientists from all over the world. The IJSBAR Published Papers are Indexed, listed, and abstracted in:
- Scopus (Sent for Evaluation)
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
- Google Scholar
- OAIster database
- OCLC World Cat
- Researchgate
- Open Archives (Cornell University(USA))
- Ulrich's web
- Scribd
- Bibliotecas Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
- Simpson University (USA)
- University of Louisville (USA)
- Biola University (USA)
- University Of Washington (USA)
- IE Library (Spain)
- Mount Saint Vincent University Library ( Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada)
- University Of Arizona (USA)
- Vniversidad DSalamanca (Spain)
- Roderic Bowen Library and Archives (United Kingdom)
- University Library of Skövde (Sweden)
- Mount Allison University (Canada)
- University of New Brunswick Libraries (Canada)
- Indiana University East (campuslibrary (USA))
- Tilburg University (The Netherlands)
- University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries (USA)
- Williams College (USA)
- University of Connecticut (USA)
- Healey Library at the University of Massachusetts Boston (USA)
- Mblwhoi Library (USA)
- Brandeis University (USA)
- Tufts University (USA)
- University of New Hampshire (USA)
- Boston University (USA)
- Pepperdine University Libraries (USA)
- McGill University (Canada)
- Northeastern University (USA)
- Researchbib, docstoc, scribd, ectel07, ProLearnAcademy, slideshare, mendeley, Issuu, academia, Internet archive, Academic research (ourGlocal)