The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Weight Loss for Overweight and Obese Men and Woman in Saudi Arabia
Intermittent fasting, weight loss, Saudi Arabia.Abstract
There was a growing prevalence of obesity in Saudi Arabia during the last two decades. Therefore, many types of diets had spread for weight loss. The intermittent fasting diet has gained great popularity among Arabs due to ease of following, and there is no limit to any nutrients. This study was designed to investigate the effect of intermittent fasting diet on body weight in overweight and obese adults in Saudi Arabia. The sample was between 18-40 years old. The questionnaire was about personal information, general information about intermittent fasting diet, types of diet, and the intermittent fasting diet to identify people's knowledge around the positive impact of the intermittent fasting diet on weight loss. Results showed that 321 out of the participants had physical activity, and there were no changes in their usual dietary patterns. Also, the results showed that participants were aware of the intermittent fasting diet, and most of them aware of its effectiveness in weight reduction. Almost half of the participants followed other types of diets to weight loss such as ketogenic diet. The results revealed that 146 participants of 340 were following the intermittent fasting diet, most of whom received the benefit after following the diet (weight loss), but there were some side effects such as headaches and hair loss. In conclusion, intermittent fasting diet was prevalent among Arabs because of their habituation towards it. It was found useful and effective in weight loss. There is a need for food education intervention for those who follow the diet, should not only follow the diet but be attentive to the basic elements that the body needs.
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