The Effect of Healthcare BPJS Program Effectiveness and Status of Employment Relationship on Morbidity Level and Welfare User of Health Care BPJS in the Public Health Center of Denpasar City


  • A. A. Ayusya Prabhandina Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
  • I. G.W. Murjana Yasa Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Sudibia Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
  • A. A. I. N. Marhaeni Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia


Healthcare BPJS Program Effectiveness, Status of Employment Relationship, Morbidity Level, Welfare


A person can be said to be in a prosperous condition when basic needs such as health have been met and protected from all risks. BPJS Health makes it easy for people to get access to health services. Low access to health services increases the risk of failing to meet health needs and results in a decrease in health conditions with increasing frequency of experiencing pain, loss of income due to high medical costs and lower welfare. In addition, working environment conditions also have an impact on health. Workers in the informal sector have a work environment that is low in health compared to the formal sector and also impacts on their well-being. Denpasar City has the highest HDI compared to other regencies or cities, but life expectancy is lower than Badung Regency. By using the Healthcare BPJS, it expected that life expectancy is higher because they are able to access health services more easily. The study aims to analyze the effect of the effectiveness of the Healthcare BPJS program and employment relationship status on the level of morbidity and well-being of Healthcare BPJS users. This research was conducted at the Denpasar City Health Center. The sample method used was purposive sampling and sampling quota.

Data collection methods used were observation, structured interviews and in-depth interviews. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis techniques and Structural Equation Modeling with PLS. The results of this study indicate that the Healthcare BPJS program has been classified as effective, the effectiveness of the Healthcare BPJS program and the status of employment relations have a negative and significant effect on the level of morbidity, the effectiveness of the Healthcare BPJS program has no effect on welfare, the status of employment relations has a positive and significant effect on welfare, the level of morbidity has a negative effect and significant on welfare, and the level of morbidity mediates the effect of Healthcare BPJS program effectiveness and employment relationship status on welfare.


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How to Cite

Prabhandina, A. A. A. ., Yasa, I. G. M. ., Sudibia, I. K. ., & Marhaeni, A. A. I. N. . (2020). The Effect of Healthcare BPJS Program Effectiveness and Status of Employment Relationship on Morbidity Level and Welfare User of Health Care BPJS in the Public Health Center of Denpasar City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 49(1), 84–97. Retrieved from


