The Quality of Work Life Scale: A Psychometric Study and its Application for the Employee


  • Grandikha Faatih Suwandi Master in Psychology Ahmad Dahlan University,Yogyakarta
  • Fatwa Tentama Master in Psychology Ahmad Dahlan University,Yogyakarta


Control at Work, General Well-Being, Job and Career Satisfaction, Homework Interfac, Quality of Work Life, Stress at Work, Working Conditions


The purpose of this study is to analyze the validity and reliability of the construct of quality of work life, and to find the dimensions that make up the construct of quality of work life. Quality of work life is measured by six dimensions, namely job and career satisfaction, general well-being, homework interface, stress at work, control at work and working conditions. The subjects of this study were 50 employees in the "X" religious social organization. Data collection methods using a scale of quality of work life. The research data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) SmartPLS 3.2.8 with reflective constructs through the 2nd Order CFA. Based on the analysis, the dimensions and indicators that make up the quality of work life are valid and reliable. The dominant dimension that reflects the construction of quality of work life is job and career satisfaction. The lowest dimension that reflects the quality of work life is stress at work. This shows that all dimensions and indicators are able to reflect and shape quality of work life. Thus the measurement model can be accepted because the theory that describes the quality of work life is in accordance with empirical data obtained from the subject.


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How to Cite

Suwandi, G. F. ., & Tentama, F. . (2020). The Quality of Work Life Scale: A Psychometric Study and its Application for the Employee. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 50(1), 68–81. Retrieved from


