The Influence of Extension of Community Knowledge in Making Slate Sand Filters in the Residents of Napabale Ii Housing, Poasia Sub-District, Poasia District, Kendari City South Sulawesi Province Indonesia
Society, Sand Filter, Extension, Clean waterAbstract
One of the problems that occur when using ground water as a household need is the high iron content in well water so that the water when used for consumption can damage the intestinal wall, irritation to the eyes and skin, causing black plaques on kitchen utensils. and causes yellow on the clothes.
The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of counseling on community knowledge in making slow sand filters on Napabale II housing residents in Poasia sub-district, Poasia District, Kendari City. This type of research is qualitative research. Informants were 5 counselors. Data collection using in-depth interviews. The results showed that there was an effect of counseling on community knowledge in making slow sand filters. The impact of counseling for participants is an increase in community knowledge in making slow sand filters because with the counseling and guidance of making slow sand filters the community gets information and additional knowledge on how to clean water treatment methods of slow sand filters, knowing how to make slow sand filters, how to care, and know how to overcome the problem of slow sand filters, which in turn can benefit the community in water management. Conclusion; there is an influence of counseling on community knowledge in making slow sand filters. Suggestion; citizens should be able to use slow sand filtering as a way of treating water to overcome the high Fe content in well water by utilizing sand filter media that is easily available, choosing filter media at cheap and affordable prices.
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