The Hatching and Post-Hatch Performance of Native Chicken Resulted from in Ovo of L-Glutamine with Various Solutions
In ovo, native chicken, L-Glutamine, NaCl 0.9%, Ringer LactateAbstract
The study aimed to identify the effect of in ovo of L-Glutamine with various solutions to the hatching and post-hatch performance of native chicken. In ovo of nutrients is one method of external nutrient supplementation to the chicken embryo before hatching. As many as 300 eggs were used in this study. This study employed a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications, P0: Negative control, P1: Positive control (NaCl 0.9% solution), P2: Ringer Lactate, P3: L-Glutamine 1.0% in NaCl 0.9% solution, P4: L-Glutamine 1.0% in Ringer Lactate. The observed parameters in this study included the hatching performance and post-hatch performance of native chicken consisting of hatching weight, hatch and egg weight ratio, hatchability, feed consumption, final body weight and hematocrit value. The study indicated that the hatchability at the treatment P0, P2 and P4 was higher compared to P1 and P3. There was no significant effect of in ovo to the hatching weight, hatch and egg weight ratio, hatchability, feed consumption, final body weight and hematocrit value.
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