Green Building Concept on the Planning of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Building at Jember University
GBCI, Greenship rating tool version 1.2, Design recognition stageAbstract
The rapid growing of development in Indonesia has increased the energy needs and made current Green Building issue become very important. To support the development, green building is regulated in the policies and programs to improve energy efficiency, water, and building materials as well as increasing the use of low carbon technology. This study aims to carry out the design recognition stage by identifying and ranking the 5 (five) Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Building at Universitas Jember based on the criteria of using a greenship assessment tool for GBCI's new building version 1.2. The results show that the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Building at Universitas Jember for GBCI access data meet 4 (four) building eligibility criteria but does not meet 3 (three) other eligibility criteria. The value/points of the Auditorium Building is 28 (two eight) points (36,36%/Bronze), Biotechnology Engineering Building is 30 (thirty) points (38,96%/Bronze), Plant and Natural Medicine Building and Health and Nurse of Biotechnology is 41 (forty one) points (53,20%/Silver), Natural Science and Food Technology Building (38,96%/Bronze), and Science and Public Communication Building is 30 (thirty) points (38,96%/Bronze).
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