Member Trust and Self-Revelation by Rabbis as LGBTQ
LGBTQ, Jewish, Rabbi, Clergy, religious signaling, leadership trustAbstract
The increased social acceptance of LGBTQ individuals and behaviors has begun to conflict with traditional Abrahamic proscriptions. An “opt-in” sample of 324 individuals who attended Jewish congregations was recruited from the Internet as part of a larger research project. This analysis is conducted on part of the data collected in that study. Two categories of congregations were identified: congregations in which the rabbi had self-revealed as LGBTQ and congregations in which the rabbi was believed heterosexual. There was no significant difference in the level of trust in the rabbi based on the LGBTQ status of the rabbi, which differed from findings in secular organizations. The results of the analysis indicated a need for further study, both quantitative and qualitative. The public self-revelation of LGBTQ identity on the part of the rabbi is a religious signal, thus possibly contributing to higher levels of trust.
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