Exploring the Key Factors of School Governance Practice for Better Vocational Schools in Indonesia
school governance, education, vocational schools, confirmatory factor analysisAbstract
School governance is an important role in ensuring the quality of educational management. Several studies had been conducted to analyze the implementation of governance using descriptive statistics, but there is no research that discusses and develops the validity of instruments about the implementation of governance in vocational schools. This research was conducted to determine and confirm a measurement model for evaluating the application of school governance in vocational schools in Indonesia. This study used a questionnaire with five dimensions that were transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency and fairness. The questionnaires were distributed to 815 respondents consisting of principals, vice principals, teachers and school operators for measuring the school governance practice in vocational schools. Confirmatory factor analysis with two orders was carried out to measure the validity of the dimensions and their contribution to the main construction. The result showed that transparency and accountability were key factors are the main predictors of school governance followed by responsibility, fairness and independence. In addition, the school governance in vocational schools in Indonesia was in the good category.
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