Analysis of Drug Management at Tingginambut Public Health Center in Puncak Jaya Regency


  • Delius Wonda Postgraduate Master Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University
  • Sarce Makaba Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura Papua, Indonesia, 99351
  • Novita Medyati Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura Papua, Indonesia, 99351
  • Yacob Ruru Department of Satistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Cenderawasih University


Input, Process, Output, Drug Management, Public Health Center


Background: Good drug management is needed to prevent losses due to errors in planning, storing and dispensing drugs, resulting in drug loss / expiration due to disuse or storage methods. For this reason, input, process and output are very important to be analyzed for future improvement. Objective: To anayze the input, process and output in drug management at the Tingginambut Public Health Center, Puncak Jaya Regency. Methods: This type of research is qualitative which was conducted at the Tinginambut Public Health Center in January 2021. The number of informants was 4 people. Data were collected using deep-interviews and analyzed using domain analysis. Results: It was found that the input of human resources in Tingginambut Public Health Center is sufficient but does not match the specifications of pharmacy education personnel, the facilities and infrastructure for drug storage are adequate, but there is no adequate (closed) storage cabinet. Drug planning process using epidemiological and consumption method by requesting from the Health Office using LPLPO according to the national formulary. Drug storage uses the FEFO and FIFO methods and is arranged alphabetically. Drug distribution is carried out by the installation for Pustu once every 3 months and outdoor activities such as Posyandu services and other activities and is returned again if there is a drug that is not used. Drug control is controlled by the officer every time you take the drug, but it may also happen that the drug is damaged or expired. Recording and reporting is carried out by the head of the Public Health Center as the person in charge of the medicine warehouse because there are no pharmaceutical personnel and there is no management information system or it is done manually because there is no application. The output of drug management at the Tingginambut Public Health Center in 2020 was inefficient due to 7.1% drug damage.


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How to Cite

Wonda, D. ., Makaba, S. ., Medyati, N. ., & Ruru, Y. . (2021). Analysis of Drug Management at Tingginambut Public Health Center in Puncak Jaya Regency. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 56(2), 212–234. Retrieved from


