Factors Causing a Decrease in Teachers' Productivity and Hindering to Retention


  • Mirali Mammadzada “Riga, Latvia LV 1019”


Professional development, Teachers, Poor performance, Mentoring, Principals, Teacher motivation, Teacher retention


This paper will discuss different factors that cause the teachers to display low productivity. For that purpose, the study considered a mixed method that used both qualitative and quantitative research. The Researchers took views of forty principals through a survey that were serving elementary schools. This study collected their opinions regarding various factors affecting the teacher's productivity. According to the results obtained, low teacher productivity was mainly related to veteran teachers who have gone through an external or internal shift in their careers.  A second major factor was teachers going through a crisis in their own lives that affected their professional career performance and productivity. The following research will look into a proper theoretical framework related to the decrease in teacher's productivity and will even try to suggest some solutions and remedies. This research's second primary purpose is to look into different causes that hinder teachers' retention and job satisfaction. Once more, for this study, the study applied a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods. A total of 119 teachers participated in this survey who answered a questionnaire composed of different factors that negatively impacted a teacher's motivation and will to stay in their profession.


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How to Cite

Mammadzada, M. . (2021). Factors Causing a Decrease in Teachers’ Productivity and Hindering to Retention. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 57(2), 186–205. Retrieved from https://www.gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/12563


